序号 | 分级 | 期刊名称 | CN | ISSN |
T1级33种 | ||||
1 | T1 | 中国科学: 信息科学 | 11-5846/TP | 1674-7267 |
2 | T1 | 计算机学报 | 11-1826/TP | 0254-4164 |
3 | T1 | 计算机研究与发展 | 11-1777/TP | 1000-1239 |
4 | T1 | 电子学报 | 11-2087/TN | 0372-2112 |
5 | T1 | 软件学报 | 11-2560/TP | 1000-9825 |
6 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | - | 0734-2071 |
7 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | - | 1073-0516 |
8 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems | - | 2378-962X |
9 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | - | 0362-5915 |
10 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | - | 0730-0301 |
11 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems | - | 0164-0925 |
12 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | - | 1049-331X |
13 | T1 | ACM Transactions on Storage | - | 1553-3077 |
14 | T1 | Artificial Intelligence | - | 0004-3702 |
15 | T1 | Chinese Journal of Electronics电子学报(英文) | 10-1284/TN | 1022-4653 |
16 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Computers | - | 0018-9340 |
17 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | - | 1089-778X |
18 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | - | 1041-4347 |
19 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | - | 2162-237X |
20 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | - | 1045-9219 |
21 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | - | 0162-8828 |
22 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | - | 1939-1374 |
23 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | - | 0098-5589 |
24 | T1 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | - | 1077-2626 |
25 | T1 | Information and Computation | - | 0890-5401 |
26 | T1 | International Journal of Computer Vision | - | 0920-5691 |
27 | T1 | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | - | 1071-5819 |
28 | T1 | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | - | 0022-0000 |
29 | T1 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | - | 1532-4435 |
30 | T1 | Journal of the ACM | - | 0004-5411 |
31 | T1 | Science China Information Sciences中国科学:信息科学(英文版) | 11-5847/TP | 1674-733X |
32 | T1 | SIAM Journal on Computing | - | 0097-5397 |
33 | T1 | The VLDB Journal | - | 1066-8888 |
T2级76种 | ||||
34 | T2 | 小型微型计算机系统 | 21-1106/TP | 1000-1220 |
35 | T2 | 中文信息学报 | 11-2325/N | 1003-0077 |
36 | T2 | 计算机工程与应用 | 11-2127/TP | 1002-8331 |
37 | T2 | 计算机科学与探索 | 11-5602/TP | 1673-9418 |
38 | T2 | 模式识别与人工智能 | 34-1089/TP | 1003-6059 |
39 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | - | 1544-3558 |
40 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | - | 1544-3566 |
41 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | - | 1529-3785 |
42 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | - | 1539-9087 |
43 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | - | 2157-6904 |
44 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | - | 1533-5399 |
45 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | - | 1556-4681 |
46 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | - | 0098-3500 |
47 | T2 | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | - | 1936-7406 |
48 | T2 | ACM Transactions on the Web | - | 1559-1131 |
49 | T2 | Acta Informatica | - | 0001-5903 |
50 | T2 | Algorithmica | - | 0178-4617 |
51 | T2 | Automated Software Engineering | - | 0928-8910 |
52 | T2 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | - | 1387-2532 |
53 | T2 | Bioinformatics | - | 1367-4803 |
54 | T2 | Briefings in Bioinformatics | - | 1467-5463 |
55 | T2 | Computational Complexity | - | 1016-3328 |
56 | T2 | Computational Linguistics | - | 0891-2017 |
57 | T2 | Computational Visual Media计算可视媒体(英文) | 10-1320/TP | 2096-0433 |
58 | T2 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | - | 0167-8396 |
59 | T2 | Computer Graphics Forum | - | 0167-7055 |
60 | T2 | Computer Networks | - | 1389-1286 |
61 | T2 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work | - | 0925-9724 |
62 | T2 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | - | 1077-3142 |
63 | T2 | Data & Knowledge Engineering | - | 0169-023X |
64 | T2 | Empirical Software Engineering | - | 1382-3256 |
65 | T2 | European Journal of Information Systems | - | 0960-085X |
66 | T2 | Evolutionary Computation | - | 1063-6560 |
67 | T2 | Formal Aspects of Computing | - | 0934-5043 |
68 | T2 | Formal Methods in System Design | - | 0925-9856 |
69 | T2 | Frontiers of Computer Science计算机科学前沿(英文版) | 10-1014/TP | 2095-2228 |
70 | T2 | Future Generation Computer Systems | - | 0167-739X |
71 | T2 | GeoInformatica | - | 1384-6175 |
72 | T2 | Graphical Models | - | 1524-0703 |
73 | T2 | Human Computer Interaction | - | 0737-0024 |
74 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | - | 1949-3045 |
75 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Big Data | - | 2332-7790 |
76 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | - | 2168-7161 |
77 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | - | 1063-6706 |
78 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | - | 2168-2291 |
79 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | - | 1932-4537 |
80 | T2 | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | - | 2327-4697 |
81 | T2 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | - | 1557-9964 |
82 | T2 | IET Software | - | 1751-8806 |
83 | T2 | Information and Software Technology | - | 0950-5849 |
84 | T2 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | - | 1044-7318 |
85 | T2 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | - | 1076-9757 |
86 | T2 | Journal of Computer Science and Technology计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 11-2296/TP | 1000-9000 |
87 | T2 | Journal of Functional Programming | - | 0956-7968 |
88 | T2 | Journal of Global Optimization | - | 0925-5001 |
89 | T2 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | - | 0743-7315 |
90 | T2 | Journal of Software: Evolution and Process | - | 2047-7473 |
91 | T2 | Journal of Symbolic Computation | - | 0747-7171 |
92 | T2 | Journal of Systems and Software | - | 0164-1212 |
93 | T2 | Journal of Systems Architecture | - | 1383-7621 |
94 | T2 | Journal of Web Semantics | - | 1570-8268 |
95 | T2 | Knowledge and Information Systems | - | 0219-1377 |
96 | T2 | Knowledge-Based Systems | - | 0950-7051 |
97 | T2 | Machine Learning | - | 0885-6125 |
98 | T2 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | - | 0960-1295 |
99 | T2 | Neural Computation | - | 0899-7667 |
100 | T2 | Neural Networks | - | 0893-6080 |
101 | T2 | Parallel Computing | - | 0167-8191 |
102 | T2 | Pattern Recognition | - | 0031-3203 |
103 | T2 | Real-Time Systems | - | 0922-6443 |
104 | T2 | Requirements Engineering | - | 0947-3602 |
105 | T2 | Science of Computer Programming | - | 0167-6423 |
106 | T2 | Software and Systems Modeling | - | 1619-1366 |
107 | T2 | Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | - | 0960-0833 |
108 | T2 | Software: Practice and Experience | - | 0038-0644 |
109 | T2 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | - | 0924-1868 |
T3级77种 | ||||
110 | T3 | 计算机工程 | 31-1289/TP | 1000-3428 |
111 | T3 | 计算机工程与设计 | 11-1775/TP | 1000-7024 |
112 | T3 | 计算机工程与科学 | 43-1258/TP | 1007-130X |
113 | T3 | 计算机技术与发展 | 61-1450/TP | 1673-629X |
114 | T3 | 计算机系统应用 | 11-2854/TP | 1003-3254 |
115 | T3 | 计算机应用 | 51-1307/TP | 1001-9081 |
116 | T3 | 计算机科学 | 50-1075/TP | 1002-137X |
117 | T3 | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 | 11-2925/TP | 1003-9775 |
118 | T3 | 生物信息学 | 23-1513/Q | 1672-5565 |
119 | T3 | 系统仿真学报 | 11-3092/V | 1004-731X |
120 | T3 | 软件导刊 | 42-1671/TP | 1672-7800 |
121 | T3 | 图学学报 | 10-1034/T | 2095-302X |
122 | T3 | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | - | 1550-4832 |
123 | T3 | Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | - | 1862-5347 |
124 | T3 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic | - | 0168-0072 |
125 | T3 | Applied Intelligence | - | 0924-669X |
126 | T3 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | - | 0933-3657 |
127 | T3 | Artificial Life | - | 1064-5462 |
128 | T3 | BioData Mining | - | 1756-0381 |
129 | T3 | BMC Bioinformatics | - | 1471-2105 |
130 | T3 | Cognitive Science | - | 0364-0213 |
131 | T3 | Computational Geometry | - | 0925-7721 |
132 | T3 | Computational Intelligence | - | 0824-7935 |
133 | T3 | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | - | 1546-4261 |
134 | T3 | Computer Communications | - | 0140-3664 |
135 | T3 | Computer Languages, Systems and Structures | - | 1477-8424 |
136 | T3 | Computer Physics Communications | - | 0010-4655 |
137 | T3 | Computer Speech and Language | - | 0885-2308 |
138 | T3 | Computers & Graphics | - | 0097-8493 |
139 | T3 | Computing | - | 0010-485X |
140 | T3 | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | - | 1532-0626 |
141 | T3 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | - | 1384-5810 |
142 | T3 | Discrete & Computational Geometry | - | 0179-5376 |
143 | T3 | Distributed and Parallel Databases | - | 0926-8782 |
144 | T3 | Distributed Computing | - | 0178-2770 |
145 | T3 | Expert Systems | - | 0266-4720 |
146 | T3 | Fundamenta Informaticae | - | 0169-2968 |
147 | T3 | Information & Management | - | 0378-7206 |
148 | T3 | Information Fusion | - | 1566-2535 |
149 | T3 | Information Processing Letters | - | 0020-0190 |
150 | T3 | Information Retrieval Journal | - | 1386-4564 |
151 | T3 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | - | 1091-9856 |
152 | T3 | Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering | - | 1614-5046 |
153 | T3 | Interacting with Computers | - | 0953-5438 |
154 | T3 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | - | 0888-613X |
155 | T3 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | - | 0884-8173 |
156 | T3 | International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | - | 0218-1940 |
157 | T3 | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | - | 1433-2779 |
158 | T3 | Journal of Complexity | - | 0885-064X |
159 | T3 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | - | 0887-4417 |
160 | T3 | Journal of Database Management | - | 1063-8016 |
161 | T3 | Journal of Grid Computing | - | 1570-7873 |
162 | T3 | Journal of Logic and Computation | - | 0955-792X |
163 | T3 | Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | - | 2352-2208 |
164 | T3 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | - | 1084-8045 |
165 | T3 | Journal of Symbolic Logic | - | 0022-4812 |
166 | T3 | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | - | 1047-3203 |
167 | T3 | Logical Methods in Computer Science | - | 1860-5974 |
168 | T3 | Machine Vision and Applications | - | 0932-8092 |
169 | T3 | Mathematical Programming | - | 0025-5610 |
170 | T3 | Natural Computing | - | 1567-7818 |
171 | T3 | Neural Computing & Applications | - | 0941-0643 |
172 | T3 | Pattern Recognition Letters | - | 0167-8655 |
173 | T3 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | - | 1617-4909 |
174 | T3 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | - | 1574-1192 |
175 | T3 | Quantitative Biology定量生物学 | 10-1082/Q | 2095-4689 |
176 | T3 | Service Oriented Computing and Applications | - | 1863-2394 |
177 | T3 | Social Network Analysis and Mining | - | 1869-5450 |
178 | T3 | Software Quality Journal | - | 0963-9314 |
179 | T3 | The Computer Journal | - | 0010-4620 |
180 | T3 | The Journal of Supercomputing | - | 0920-8542 |
181 | T3 | The Visual Computer | - | 0178-2789 |
182 | T3 | Theoretical Computer Science | - | 0304-3975 |
183 | T3 | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | - | 1471-0684 |
184 | T3 | Theory of Computing Systems | - | 1432-4350 |
185 | T3 | Virtual Reality | - | 1359-4338 |
186 | T3 | World Wide Web | - | 1386-145X |